Thursday, September 4, 2008

Sarah Palin Kick's A Little Butt!

The Republican National Convention resembled a scene out of “V for Vendetta,” a lot of scary looking white people who want to burn books and restrict artistic freedoms. They all had the look of fanatic right wing abortion clinic bombers. Enter stage left. The spunky, gun toting, beauty queen, hockey mom governor of Alaska made her world debut last night. Looking not at all like a General in the rightwing militia. She seemed almost vulnerable standing alone on that big stage.
Then she began her speech. She came out swinging. Sarah Palin mused that “the only difference between a hockey mom and a pit-bull, is lipstick.” Last night Palin went back and forth between pit-bull viciously attacking Obama and Hockey Mom warming the heart of the audience with reflections of my family is just like your family. Our kids have unprotected sex and unwanted pregnancies too. When she wasn’t discussing her red neck roots she was slicing and dicing Barack Obama. Is this the same woman that the GOP spent the entire week protecting against “sexist” remarks of the “leftwing media?”

This girl doesn’t need to be protected from anyone. Barack Obama may need to be protected from a female bully who can kick him to the ground while he can’t hit back because she’s a girl. She jumped right in the ring and picked a fight, the first kick in the stomach came when she compared her experience as the mayor of Wasilla to Obama’s community organizer resume, “I guess a small-town mayor is sort of like a "community organizer", except that you have actual responsibilities.” She followed with a solid right hook to the jaw when she stated her love of small town life, I might add that in small towns, we don't quite know what to make of a candidate who lavishes praise on working people when they are listening, and then talks about how bitterly they cling to their religion and guns when those people aren't listening.” Then she threw the knock out punch “some people use change to promote their careers, while others use their career to promote change.”

The GOP needed someone with less of a “Children of the Corn,” look to appeal to the masses outside of the convention hall. They needed a petite woman, wearing a pretty smile an innocent look that wasn’t afraid to look a man in the eye and kick him in the nuts. The GOP is giddy, it’s Christmas and they got the GI Joe with Kungfu grip they were hoping for.

Palin has won round one but now the games begin. Several weeks ago Pat Buchanan stated on MSNBC that Obama had to realize that he was now in the NFL of politics and had to be able to give and take a solid hit. Sarah Palin has been plucked out off the farm team and sent up to a big league team and after last night she can’t hide behind, I’m a woman don’t hit me hard.


Rev. Donald Spitz said...

Scary white people? You are quite the racist. Maybe there is an opening in Jeremiah Wright's church for you.

Anonymous said...

I find the whole conversation about Sarah a ploy to keep us from focusing on the real issues. This is a tactic that the Republicans use well and the Democrats suck at using.

While we're focused on this "plucky", pull no punches woman from Alaska who's daughter is pregnant, we're missing an important point. She's currently being investigated about abusing her power. The charge is that anyone who doesn't agree with her is out of a job.

She had the librarian fired because she won't ban books. Apparently , her sister's ex-boyfriend loss his job because Sarah didn't like the "treatment" of her sister.

She sounds like others in the Bush cabinet. Except she parades around in a bikini and a gun. Look out Dick Cheny. You're being upstaged. Move over Roberto Gonzales she's following in your footsteps and doing it with a smile.

As Donald Trump says in his new book Think Big "People are going to try to steal from you and destroy you just for the fun of it. You have to stand up to them, fight back and kick their ass". So watch out Senator Obama. Sarah is coming.
Oh Rev. Don it ain't about being racist it's about being brutally honest - don't believe it talk to The Donald.