Thursday, August 28, 2008

John McCain decides to roll the dice! The Affirmative Action VP Choice

Obama is a history making candidate on the horizon of his political career. John McCain is a candidate of the old guard, in the twilight of his political career. McCain views this election as his last chance at greatness. McCain who just turned 73 is so desperate to become the 44th president of the United States that he is willing to do anything, anything to win. As late as July 2008, McCain wanted to do away with Affirmative Action. Asked by ABC news in July, “whether he supported an effort to get a referendum on the ballot in Arizona that would "do away with affirmative action." McCain replied, “Yes, I do.

Is Sarah Pallin more qualified to be President than Mitt Romney an American businessman and former Governor of Massachusetts. CEO of Bain & Company, a management consulting firm, co-founder of Bain Capital, a private equity investment firm and CEO of the 2002 Winter Olympics? Tim Palenty, a two term governor of Minnesota, who has a political career going back to 1989. Or Tom Ridge, American politician who served as a member of the United States House of Representatives (1983–1995), Governor of Pennsylvania (1995–2001), Assistant to the President for Homeland Security (2001–2003), and the first United States Secretary of Homeland Security (2003–2005). He has served on the boards of The Home Depot and The Hershey Company and as a senior advisor to Deloitte & Touche, and TechRadium. Ridge is also the founder and CEO of Ridge Global, LLC, a Washington, D.C. based security consulting firm. No one can say that he's not qualified.

John McCain passed over all of this talent to choose a woman at the beginning of her first term as of the sparsely populated state of Alaska, who before her win was the mayor of Wasilla, Alaska, population 6500. McCain who opposes Affirmative Action passed over several more qualified men to pick a completely unqualified woman to sit a breath away from the Presidency.

So how does the man who wants to do away with Affirmative Action that whites have often stated places unqualified women and minorities ahead of qualified white males choose a governor in her first term and little other experience? Easy John McCain was going to lose this race. The negative ads though working wouldn’t be enough. Many would vote for Obama because of his message of hope, and change also wanted to be on the right side of history.

McCain needed a gimmick that would sell. He saw his chance when the Hilraising white women were determined not to straighten up and come back home to the Democratic Party. He saw that he could drive a wedge and play on the emotions of unhappy white women who were going to stay home rather than vote for a black man. He saw his chance to get these women out of their homes and to the polls on November 4th to vote for a Republican without feeling guilty. So Sarah Pallin was chosen to pick up the Hilraiser vote. No other reason. You can bet that if McCain wins Ms. Pallin will be given a closet office somewhere in the basement of the White House where she can’t do any harm. Choosing a woman for the sake of choosing a woman just so he (a man) can get what he wants, should be an insult to every intelligent woman who worked her ass off to ensure her qualifications were second to none.

It’s a shame that over the course of the 2008 presidential campaign McCain has shown a willingness to sell his soul to win. He has flip flopped on the very issues that made his maverick career, hired Rove protégé Steve Smith to run a negative campaign against Obama even after being horrorified at the swift boating of John Kerry and his own experience at the hands of George Bush’s negative campaign in 2000. Finally playing into the rift between the Hilraising white women with his choice of a Sara Pallin a woman VP candidate. Bill Maher has stated, that “Americans are to stupid to be governed,” if McCain pulls this off, I’m afraid I will have to agree with him.

With this decision John McCain has finally answered the judgment question. He has none. He reminds me of a once highly regarded champion, now an old over the hill punch drunk boxer. He’s too old to defend his title, he’s no longer deft, and he has to face a younger man. If he can just win this one big purse, he can retire with his dignity intact. He’s made the decision to cheat. What a shameful way to end a once glistening career.

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