Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Palin's Preacher Problems

Just a few months ago, we were watching Rev. Wright GodDamn America nonstop. Cable news shows didn’t even cut away for commercial it was wall to wall, Rev. Wright, I got a little confused as to who was running for President was it Rev. Wright or Barack Obama? Or was Wright, Obama’s running mate?

Now it’s the Republican’s turn right? Vice President Sara Palin’s former paster Reverend Ed Kalnins has said some pretty way out there things regarding the Iraq War, the future of America, and anyone who opposes George Bush. Rev. Ed Kalnins, is the senior pastor of Wasilla Assembly of God. Palin attended from her early teen years until 2002, until her new affiliation with a similar church in the state’s capitol, Juneau.

Conspicuously absent from cable news with the exception of CNN are the incidious comments Palin’s former pastor. From the assertion that Palin's election as governor was the result of a "prophetic call". Her election to governor was a prophetic declaration and then unfolds the kingdom of God, you know." To Jesus Christ as a war general.

Palin who believes that the Iraq War is a task sent from God. Did she have her beliefs shaped by Rev. Kalnins? Here is what the Rev has to say about Iraq, whom he believes to be terrorists:
What you see in a terrorist — that’s called the invisible enemy. There has always been an invisible enemy. What you see in Iraq, basically, is a manifestation of what’s going on in this unseen world called the spirit world. … We need to think like Jesus thinks. We are in a time and a season of war, and we need to think like that. We need to develop that instinct. We need to develop as believers the instinct that we are at war, and that war is contending for your faith. … Jesus called us to die. You’re worried about getting hurt? He’s called us to die. Listen, you know we can’t even follow him unless you are willing to give up your life. … I believe that Jesus himself operated from that position of war mode. Everyone say “war mode.” Now you say, wait a minute Ed, he’s like the good shepherd, he’s loving all the time and he’s kind all the time. Oh yes he is — but I also believe that he had a part of his thoughts that knew that he was in a war.

If I read this right Kalnins is calling for a Holy War a Crusade. “Christ is calling us to die,” he states. Though Christians have disdained Mohammed for being a war monger, Kalnins states that Jesus, “operated from a position of war mode.” So if I understand it both Monhammed and Jesus operated from premise that there is a war going on, for the souls of mankind. Both sides are calling on the faithful “to die,” for their cause.

If you are against George Bush the man who lied us into the this Holy War, who I guess was acting in the name of God, you’re going to hell. That’s right. “Critics of President Bush will be banished to hell,” according to Kalnins. John McCain has been a frequent critic of Bush. John McCain; I’ll see you in hell!

September 11th was the signal for Christians to rise up in preparation for the end of days. Alaska has been anointed by God as a sanctuary, a refuge God’s army should disaster hit the lower 49.

The very same people who expressed outrage at the outrageous statements of Gerimiah Wright have stepped up to defend Rev. Kalnin. "You can take any kind of a sermon ... without an introduction and without a conclusion and say that this guy is weird." Peter Feldman, a spokesman for the McCain-Palin ticket, said he didn't have any information he could provide about Palin's ties to, or history with, the Wasilla Assembly of God Church. That should add to the "poor vetting" attack that the Democrats are promoting.

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