Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The Most Dangerous Woman in the World?

Sarah Palin scares the hell out of me. She seems so much like one of those over the top female fatale movie villains. She’s beautiful, she knows how to hide behind her sex appeal and she doesn’t mind looking you in the eye and sticking the knife straight through your heart. She is Barbara Stanwyck in the “Postman Always Rings Twice,” or Kathleen Turner in “Body Heat,” victim and perpetrator all rolled up in one.

Referred to as Palin the Impaler, by Katherine Parker, Palin appears to be a person devoid of conscience. She’s supposedly a “Christian,” raising a “Christian” family, yet doesn’t appear to be racked with guilt by her behavior or the behavior of her family. She is apparently willing to say and do anything she is asked to say with out consideration for the consequences. It is not merely that she is willing to overlook the consequences it is that she relishes in the possibilities. When Sara Palin shouts from the podium that Barack Obama “pals around with terrorists,” you get the feeling that she has not agonized over what she says could mean. You get the feeling that she does not feel that she has to be responsible for what she says.

Several days ago in Florida, Palin was at it again, insinuating that Obama hangs out with domestic terrorists. When from the audience, which was whipped up in a frenzy came the “he’s a terrorists,” and “Kill him!” I wondered if the camera had been turned on the audience would they have been in white hoods. It sent a chill down my spine. As I was sitting shocked in front of my TV I saw the cold curl of Palin’s lips. She was smiling, as she allowed the full weight of what she was saying and hearing fall upon those at the rally.

The campaign has come to a dangerous place. A candidate for the presidency of the United States of America is being accused of being a terrorist, in a country where terrorists are sentenced to death. Uniformed police officers are getting up on the podium and making veiled racial comments. When local politicos are getting up on the podium and saying things like, “what are you going to do with yourself when you wake up in the morning and find out that someone named Barack Hussein Obama is president.”

I guess my question is John McCain has decided to allow Palin to run amok rather than take back his campaign and talk about the issues. The crowds are going wild, literally. They are coming to see Palin not him (McCain). It been reported that as soon as she is done the crowd begins streaming out as McCain comes on stage. If he wins, what happens next? How will McCain control the Frankenstein he has created? Will he be able to keep the monster under control or will she break free and wreak havoc upon the village? Has McCain already been eclipsed by a monster of his own creation? Will he be given a heart attack pill, so Palin can become the first woman President?